The terror called Mangalik (Kuja Dosha)- Part1!

Hello all, 

Namaste! All of you, my dear blog readers, know about my I have started my business, Swaroopa store, which can be accessed from Shop tab on my website, for beings who are interested in a personal reading. There is also the Swaroopa Store link, on my blog's left side. Now to the post.

This post is for any beautiful Soul out there who is struggling with the stamp of "Mangalik" stamped on their forehead! Read the posts. You would later congratulate yourself that you are indeed a Mangalik! I will be writing four to five posts in this series, hopefully! Fingers crossed!

Hope all of you had a great weekend and more focus towards safety and wellness of yourself and your loved ones. In the USA, many states are again facing the tough circumstances of a rising pandemic. I cannot emphasize enough. The perspectives or viewpoints as Republican/Democrat/ Libertarian, atheist/believer/agnostic or Hindu/Muslim/Sikh or Christian is the mental and emotional world. It has effect on the physical body.

But above that, all of us are made up of the physical body which is a human body. That human can and will be affected by the virus if vaccination is not done. If there is "no body (nobody within the body to live", then, what atheism/ agnosticism/believer, Republican/Democrat or any of the political parties or religion? If the person themselves are removed from the picture by a virus, what perspective, concept, idea or thought process? 

First the person has to be living in this world to do something. Take the first step towards that living. Take your total vaccination, protect yourself. Then, go for the protests, or silent sit-ins, write, blog, make YouTube videos, scroll through social media, educate yourself, study, go to college, job, career or entrepreneurship or whatever you want to do. But first do the duty towards yourself- Protect yourself from the virus and live! The vaccine would help you towards that! 

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Unknown author, Public domain,
via Wikimedia Commons
Kuja or Mangala: As I have written a lot of concepts and philosophy in the last six months, thought of writing a slightly different topic, Vedic astrology. As many of you know, I have already written a few posts on Kuja or Mangala. One is Kuja dosha (Mangalik)-Who is the real victim. Another is, Kuja- The army chief-Part 1 and Part 2. So, I won't be elaborating too much on the simple points of Kuja again. Readers who are interested to know more about the graha can access the links and read it. Those links would give a good background on the planet itself. Also, remember, this post is from the perspective of Vedic astrology. Nothing to do with the physical planet of Mars. But everything to do with the inner metaphorical Vedic planet of Kuja,

Kuja is considered the son of the Earth- Dharani garbha sambhootham- Born from the womb of the Earth. So, a strong Mars in the chart actually would give a very down to Earth personality, because his mother is the Earth- Dharani. Not as the popular culture portrays as an ego, raging and arrogant maniac of a person. But the question is always what is the state of Kuja in the person's chart. whether it is working with full strength or damaged. Also the placement and other details of the planet. What are the aspects that are watching this planet? Is there aspect of Rahu, Saturn or Mercury?

The biggest question. How is the mind? Even if every planet is of top-notch quality, if the Moon or the mind has no strength, then the deal of all that awesomeness of other planets is pretty much off. Because it is the mind that has to focus, lead the person and take actions through the Karmendriyas- organs of actions on behalf of the person. If the mind has no clue what it is doing, then the person is pretty much stuck. They would take actions that work against their own life. Anyway, this post is about Mars and not about Moon- the mind. 

Mars is the will power and the innate strength of a person. How strong are you? Are you strong enough to make something out of your life, not about putting or keeping another down? Mars is always about the will and strength to go after your own life, purpose and making something out of it. Also, as Mars is the son of Earth, a person with a strong Mars is very grounded and of the Earth, being very much part of this world. That is why people who have strong Mars go into sports. They need to use their energy towards sports and make something in this world- whether Mohammed Ali, Michael Jordan or Kobe Bryant. Using the strength and power of Mars with their body to make something creative for their sports.

A damaged Mars: Now, in some cases, this Mars gets damaged due to very close to the graha Sun or in other placements. Such people many times through their life didn't develop the capacity to access their will power or strength. When a person doesn't have enough will power, they cannot use their own agency or desires for their own life. Others would start to exert their will power over the damaged Mars person. This person as they are never accessing their own strength or power to live or in other words agency, they slowly start to lose their own energy to live or slowly fades away. Such a person who has a damaged Mars soon enough becomes a shell of themselves.

Let us go deeper into the emotional realm. If we truly realize, it is the emotions that bring color to our life, which keeps our life joyous. Emotions, that deeply connect with others like love, kindness, compassion, virtues and more are what keep us alive and vibrant. But a person who cannot live according to their will or wish slowly starts to not live as themselves. Every person is most optimally efficient at their most natural stage. The state where we are comfortable in our own skin. It is in this state we can access the best of our emotions, mind and live as exactly as ourselves -authentic. But a person who has a damaged Mars won't be able to access this strength and as they are not in their optimal natural state, a lesser state or a more fearful state takes over. What will others say if I say my opinion, viewpoint or perspective?

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter, peace, awareness, Maya, commitment, colors, creativity, mythology, myth, treasure chest, key, ancestors, DNA, Karma, terrorism, heaven, Ice-cream, internet, social-media
Who do you see yourself as-the cat or the lion?
Image credits -

Here, the personal will of the person gives way to fear of how and what people perceive of them. The realm of Saturn, which thus is considered enemy or against Mars. Thus, in Vedic astrology, Mars is considered inimical to Saturn - organization and structure. But what is the real truth? As the person has no will power or agency - Mars, they are not able to organize or bring structure to their own life. If you cannot even speak your will or wish, how can you do anything to organize or even capture your life. Instead of just Mars alone damaged, this leads to Saturn or organizational power of the person to be damaged.

See, how it progressively worsens? Already the person has no will power or strength to access their innate power to live exactly as they want. Above this, as the person due to a weak will, to be in the good books of others starts to listen to other's wishes and perspective. Instead of living as them in their life, they are living the life as another, family or friends wishes. The person even more gets deleted energetically. You are not doing anything for yourself- so, where is your energy as "You"?

I have written this perspective before. A person who does not 'own his/her will' is energetically saying- "Don't consider me, I am to be ignored. I don't matter. Please don't heed to my thought process, perspectives or value points, I own no value". The person is energetically non-existent. They are not there, only the body is there. But zero energy to live. Without energy what is the point of a body. Here, the body becomes Shiva (matter) and there is no Shakthi (energy). 

Let us, go deeper. Shakthi in Hinduism is always depicted as Devi, female- the Divine feminine. The masculine -Shiva is there. But energy less as Shakthi is not there. So, what happens? The Son, Karthikeya, the army chief- Kuja is missing. See, how it plays into the dynamics? The person has again no energy to do their creativity or live their life. It doesn't stop there. Devi or Shakthi is the Divine Feminine- Venus- value of the person.

As energy- Sakthi is not there, no Venus- the value of the person for their life. Someone who doesn't find value for themselves, what can they do anything for their life? They treat their own life, mind, thoughts, aspirations and desires as "not worthy of pursuance". Now, the other aspect of Venus gets damaged-wealth and money. Energy is needed to create anything of value for one's own life - whether education, career, money, wealth, family, kids or anything. For this person both Mars as well as Venus is now damaged. So, wealth, career and a way to live well has become damaged.

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Will power the son of energy and matter!
Image credits - Keijona,
via Wikimedia Commons
Moon- The mind: Let us come to the mind. This person doesn't value themselves or their thoughts or desires. No value. So, now the mind thinks- "I am not good enough. But others are great. Let me listen to them and align deeply to them", So, instead of living from their will-they align to another's will. So, now, here comes another person with a very strong Mars-placed so powerfully, instead of helping another, for them it is always how to capture their own life. Mars that is very strong and not well placed is highly egotistic and selfish. Here, they are getting a free supporter- remember our Mars damaged person? The supporter, the servant. (The dynamics if a Kuja dosha- damaged person marries a non- Kuja dosha person.) And the world has totally toppled the concept on its head and is criticizing the poor and helpful Kuja dosha person.

Another dynamic as Venus is the value of Shakthi, in Vedic astrology- Moon or the mind is the energy or Shakthi herself. So, now the mind of the powerfully placed Mars person, their Shakthi is leading their own mind and the supporter's mind. The grace of Shakthi or mind is fully removed from the second person. Only Shiva now. But no Shakthi- energy/value (Venus), Moon (Mind), Karthikeya-will power (Mars), very weak Shiva- matter (Saturn) and this leads to no Ganesha- his intelligence (Jupiter) to communicate (Mercury). So, if none of this is there, then, what about his/her purpose -Rahu or his/her grace/ancestral/ spiritual gifts- Kethu? The whole chart is damaged. Done!

The person with the damaged Mars becomes a zombie in their own life, listening to others, cursing themselves and cribbing they are a "cursed human". This thought process makes the vicious cycle of negative self-talk more and more bitter. Also, in case they have a very strong-willed Mars person in their life as any loved one, that strong Mars takes care of the second person's wishes, desires, by virtue of the damaged Mars person. This person has their nice Mars and another body with no mind (mind is not working for their own life, remember) that aligns deeply with them to make their wishes a reality. The strong person is having a cake and eating a second cake too. Damaged Mars person gets nothing,

The damaged Mars person is seeing the other achieving, going after their aspirations elegantly and beautifully. But remember, "I am cursed" as per their negative mindset. They are not capable of achieving anything at this point. Because the whole gamut of planets is energetically not there as the "mind" of the person is in the dark-ignorance about the will they can access through their own mind.

Many times, family and extended societal groups plays a big role in this making of a Kuja dosha person. The second a baby is born, the time is calculated and taken to an astrologer who just knows to read the chart, but has no clue about the esoteric manifestations or subconscious perspectives. They just put the stamp on the head of the baby-"Mangalik! Cursed for this life"!

Now, the family by constant reaffirmation of that negative mindset brings this baby or youth up. "You are a Mangalik. You are doomed for this life. You cannot take good decisions for your life. You are a damaged product". This poor Soul after listening this for thousand or million times starts to deeply believe in this negative mask the mind wears. "I am a Mangalik. I cannot do anything. My Mars is bringing all this trouble for me". Poor Mars! In this particular chart, the Mars is slightly weak. So, the person was born with a slightly less will power, that is all!

Compassionate Mars: As this Mars is slightly damaged, this person is ego-less, more compassionate and deeply care about others. The true elegance of this Mars. As Mars has not overtaken the chart, the mind has the capacity to consider others along with themselves. Here, it is the "themselves" part, that is damaged by the constant negative affirmations. Already Mars or Karthikeya is damaged. The constant negative mindset damages the mind as well. Devi or the energy to live and love one's own life- gone. Poof!

A person with a very strong Mars would have a strong will power to live their life to the fullest! They would capture life as the leader of a marching army. But here our weak-willed person brings every other perspective, even the viewpoint of a random person going on the streets, but not their own. Now, instead of the family, friends or society they have taken up the duty on themselves- Self-fulfilling prophecy or curse! (Same dynamics you can think from the Moola star point of view as well. 😉)

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, hea
Sculpture of the god Skanda,
from Kannauj,
North India, circa 8th century
Image credits - Zippymarmalade,
via Wikimedia Commons
The way our own family, friends or even society is creating this self-loathing Mangalik of a poor Soul. (I have a slight dosha in my Mars. Slight! But being an astrologer, I realized, it is my mind and my parents/ family's deep support that matter in my education, career and creativity. I overcame/ am overcoming that slight less will power. Remember, the compassionate Mars? Otherwise, why should I write a free blog with 200+ posts? 😉) The Mangalik is a deeply compassionate Soul. The whole world, society and people have already struck them so many times with words, curses and angry looks, they are literally sitting within their mind and punishing themselves to their very core. Self-hatred and dislike!

Such a mind, how can it work for their own life? We are taking some small step towards our own life and then criticizing ourselves million times - "You are not good enough! You are cursed!" Remember I have written here- Our Inner reality reflects outside! What is the inner reality of this person as of now? I am cursed! I am cursed! I am cursed! So, what are the vibratory thoughts they send into the Universe? What would be the experiences the Brahman is sending or rather they are attracting into their own life? The Soul- I am cursed! The Brahman- Tadasthu! Tadasthu! Tadasthu! So, be it! So, be it! So, be it!

The person starts to become roiled in experiences that bring them to total first hand proofs of experiences. "You are cursed". True, isn't it? They are literally demanding from the Universe to curse them by this negative self-talk with deepest of heart-felt emotions. Any time you ask with deep heart felt emotions Universe just says -"Your wish is my command!"😅

For this person, as the first 25-30 years of curses and people's negative attitude towards them have taken a toll on their mind, they have deep compassion and kindness for everyone, even the humanity. They deeply understand another human's struggles, sadness, life troubles and more. This person with the damaged Mars is so compassionate, to get that slight recognition, value, acknowledgement and respect would even move mountain for others, especially loved ones. But still others would curse them- You are a Mangalik! First, they should also remember to move their own mountains- Self-trust to have faith in themselves! Their very personal mountain to climb!

How to fix this? What is needed here? A slight change of perspective, that is all. The person should start saying to themselves- "Yes, I have slightly less will power. But then who is perfect in this world? Nobody! But the great Universe has given me a tough and gritty mind to overcome my challenges. Where, another person may need two tries, I may need five tries. But what the heck, if there is a will, there is a way! I will find a way to bring my life up to the very best of my potential with the tools, I have- my mind, body and other faculties."

Self- trust in oneself to start taking a vicious cycle of a negative mindset and turning it into the virtuous cycle of a positive mindset. Come on, people. No other graha in Astrology is given the name- Mangala- auspicious! This planet has the name itself as Mangala- sacred! Then, we sit and curse the poor planet (Remember astrological Graha, not the physical planet) for everything. Realize- he (a male planet) is the will power you need to live and capture your life to the fullest! The significator of blood itself - the life giving, oxygen and energy providing blood in a human body. Another beautiful signification- our siblings. Mars is the significator of siblings. This planet provides the joy of having siblings, our fellow travelers for this life!

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace, oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, hea
Our life is the physical reality of our thoughts, mind and actions. Action = Mars
Image credits -

Another significator, Karthikeya or Skanda- the tough and strong one! His mother, the Adiparasakthi- Universal energy, his dad- Easwara- the Universe, his brother- Ganesha, the intelligence as huge as an elephant. Mangala or Mars- is he so small and insignificant? Think again, sacredness incarnate in the form of Karthikeya- the chief of the army of Gods, themselves. Only the mind of the slightly damaged Mars person needs to realize, the very compassionate mind they have been provided and use it first for themselves with deepest of self-trust and then use it to help others. Then, the same Mangalik Mars would start to become stronger and their life itself shines with the name tag- Chief of the Army, Gods! 😊

Finishing with a sloka to Mangala:

Dharani garbha sambhootham Vidyut kanthi samaprabham |
Kumaram sakthi hastam tham Mangalam Pranamamyaham || 

Meaning: The one who is born out of the womb of the Earth, who is as ebullient as the lightning itself, who is always young, and has energy (Sakthi - remember, she is his mom) in his hands, to such a sacred person, I give my bows (Pranams)! 🙏   

I wish you a good and safe weekend, and I'll see you next Friday! 😉

Next week: Mangalik in the family house (Kuja Dosha)- Part 2!
Image Credits - Wikimedia Commons, Pixabay




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