Mangalik in the spiritual house! (Kuja Dosha)- Part 6!
Hello all,
Namaste! All of you, my dear blog readers, know about my I have started my business, Swaroopa store, which can be accessed from Shop tab on my website, for beings who are interested in a personal reading. There is also the Swaroopa Store link, on my blog's left side. Now to the post.
This post is for any beautiful Soul out there who is struggling with the stamp of "Mangalik" stamped on their forehead! Read the posts. You would later congratulate yourself that you are indeed a Mangalik! I will be writing four to five posts in this series, hopefully! Fingers crossed!
Hope, all of you are hale and healthy. Above keeping oneself physically healthy, we should also keep ourselves mentally and emotionally healthy. This mental and emotional part because that is the realm we are going to discuss today. Kuja or Mars in the spiritual house, the twelfth. This is the one area that make humans go through roller-coasters, fire loops, cry baby syndromes and every other shenanigan humans show and perceive. The emotions! The whole world is ruled by the emotions of the humans and many don't even have a clue of it.
For myself, I realized this hidden world only in the year of 2016 to 2017. Before that I used to be proud of my intellect and logic. I was a scientist and researcher. We cannot understand science and technology without having a smart and logical mind. As I was able to understand science very well, I used to feel very proud of myself. But now in the last four years I realize, we as humans know only so much of the Universe. May be ten percent. Anyway, humans, let us keep ourselves safe. Today, it is the last part of the Mangalik series- Kuja in the twelfth house.
Twelfth house: This house in the natural chart belongs to Pisces, whose ruler is Jupiter. As we know, Jupiter is one of the biggest planets of the Solar system. Same way Pisces rules spirituality, other worldly perspectives and above the realm of physics or metaphysics. So, the lord as well as the house is vast and expansive. From an elemental perspective, it is a water house. As we know, in Vedic astrology houses are divided into four elements- air, water, fire and earth. Pisces being water element and vast, it has the emotional energy almost as wide as the Pacific ocean.
As it is expansive many times planets or their energies can get drowned in other worldly perspectives and concepts. This is why people with Pisces heavy chart have the energy of always lost in some other worldly day dream. The energy of a mermaid in some long lost other worldly ocean. If by any chance the mind- Moon falls in Pisces and strong, they always escape into an inner world where they find themselves in the ocean with mermaids, sea shells, conchs, under water palaces and corals.
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Pacific ocean Image credits - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons |
They escape into their dream world anytime the circumstances of physical life becomes tough and excruciatingly painful. That is why Pisces heavy chart people have a dreamy, other worldly kind of look and attitude. This water heavy chart also bestows them with high creativity. Painters, artists and musicians come in this house. It is not the creativity and emotions that becomes the problem, but their hesitation to take actions on that. They love their water palace so much many times they don't realize; it is the actions that make the dream a reality. So, many times the creativity and emotions never find expression in the real physical life.
Let us take an example of a painter. The painter has a festival of colors within their mind. But to find expression the painter has to make the easel ready, take up the paint/colors and need to paint. Bringing the divine spark of creativity alive. Here is where actions and the lord of actions matter. Who is the one ruling actions or Karma? Kuja or Mangala. He is the leader, the red one- blood who gives oxygen to every cell as energy, so that the cells and by virtue of that faculties of action, can act. But what is the problem? Kuja is a fiery planet or Agni and the house of Pisces is water. The dynamics of water and fire.
Fire in water: We have discussed these dynamics of water and fire before in the post of Gandamoola. Here also such a situation emanates. Kuja or Mangala is a very fiery planet. It is anger in a low vibratory state; pure passion and will power in a higher idealistic state. Kuja is the graha that rules blood-red in color. The blood carries the oxygen that gives energy to each cell. This energy later the cells transform as functions for the upkeep, maintenance and actions of the body. A well placed Kuja in the chart helps the person to have will power, passion and energy to take towards their goals.
But what if that same ball of fire is placed in the very middle of a Pacific ocean. Can it still act naturally as a fire ball? Mangala finds himself in the very middle of water works in the sign of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. Kuja likes to be in dry land, even a slight desert like Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, where he can act, rather than sitting, wondering, planning (Mercury) and do something towards his Dharma. Remember, Kuja has the same energy of Karthikeya, son of Shiva- the army chief.
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Image credits - Vasukrishnan57, via Wikimedia Commons) |
Karthikeya explained the meaning of the sound OM to his own father Shiva who is considered wisdom incarnate. He also has the spear of mental focus Shakthi, which was given by his mother Shakthi or Parvathi. Shakthi in esoterism is pure energy. So, in such a case, Kuja becomes the son of energy itself. In other words, energy and will power (Shakthi) is needed to take actions. But in the 12th house, (here we are discussing the natural chart and any place the 12th house energy comes, the underlying energy of Pisces manifests), it is the Jupiterian essence of knowledge, thought and wisdom. Jupiter wants to ideate, think, while Mars wants to act.
Jupiter is the guru. Shiva is the first Guru- Dakshinamoorthy. Son in the house of the father. Kuja in Kailasa. We already know the story where Karthikeya fought with his dad for giving the mango of wisdom to Ganesha, rather than him. So, in the 12th house, Kuja or Karthikeya is finding himself in Kailasa. Already we have discussed the house of Pisces as Pacific ocean. Now, think of this Pacific ocean frozen as ice of the Himalayas- Kailasa!
What would people do in Kailasa? Do they lead an army and wage a war or meditate and think about the higher concepts of life? This is the exact energy of Kuja in the twelfth house. Kuja feels very uncomfortable in the ocean like Pacific or frozen Kailasa. He wants to act, do something, make a change in his life. But the environment of the 12th house would not be suitable to take actions. A ball of fire being placed in the widest of the ocean or the coldest of the mountain.
The outer 12th house dynamics: Many times, the Kuja person would be like a sportsman born into the family of people who are deeply involved in rituals, mantras or studies. Even though Sagittarius by virtue of being the 9th house is the Dharma sthana, 12th house is also about wisdom, knowledge and beyond the physical world- metaphysical. The Mangala person would try to go for activities like sports, games, action-oriented tasks and activities. But the lord of Pisces, Meena would say - No, try to acquire higher ideals, knowledge, and wisdom.
The Kuja person most probably would become upset and angry. Remember Kuja in lower manifestations are anger, and temper tantrums . How the anger appears would be according to the specific placement of the house in the chart. If it is Scorpio, it would be hidden anger, if Cancer, passive aggression (Oh, and you thought Cancer is the ever-nourishing sign. It also is the most passive aggressive sign in the whole twelve houses. Aggression to acquire energy as love) and if Aquarius, not caring a bit whether another feel angry and going for what they want.
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The dreamy magical world of Pisces. Moon depicts the emotions Image credits - |
We should truly ask here, why did the fiery ball of Kuja got placed in this twelfth house? Why? Many times, a dynamic the normal eye cannot see, a spiritual eye can see. This Soul has an enormous energy and passion, which needs to be used for spiritual purposes. Jupiter or the Guru here is saying to Kuja, instead of wasting your time on sports or games, translate an ancient book, read and write your thoughts. Study the higher idealistic concepts and later use it in such a way that others can find use with them in their life.
I have not analyzed the chart of Vivekananda. But for energy elaboration, the same energy. Swami Vivekananda was a very passionate advocate of spiritual wisdom. So much of passion towards knowledge and wisdom, he acted to popularize the eastern wisdom to the west. For that he had to cross the Atlantic Ocean (Pisces energy of the ocean) to spread the knowledge as a Guru-12th house of spirituality to the world. I just checked his chart. Pisces has no planets. The energy is that of Jupiter- Sagittarius. But from the life of Swami Vivekananda, we can get a glimpse of the energy dynamics in case Kuja gets placed in Pisces,
Kuja in the 12th house: In short, the energy of Kuja in the 12th is similar to a cricket player who finds himself in the hermitage of Vyasa, the Guru. Another fire brand person we can discuss is Lakshmana, brother of Rama. He during his lifetime found himself in the forest along with Rama and Sita. Kuja also signifies the brother. A perfect brother who helps his older sibling in every which way possible during his days of stress and heart ache.
Lakshmana was never a very soft, calm and peaceful person. He was always ready to fight, take up the arms, but deeply honest, duty bound and focused on a higher cause of helping his brother. He was close to his brother; he didn't think twice to leave his wife for fourteen years to go to the forest. Here also the ocean comes as Indian ocean that needs to be crossed. Lakshmana in the forest within the peaceful arms of nature, where Gurus used to impart wisdom to their students. A perfect example of Kuja in the twelfth house. (Image below, credits - Rama, Sita and Lakshmana. Unknown author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Twelfth house also is far away space. Lanka and Kishkinta were very far from Ayodhya which comes in UttarPradesh (north India). Even though Seetha and Rama used to sleep, many days Lakshmana without sleep had to keep watch and be vigilant to protect his brother and wife. An energetic, higher idealistic Kuja finds itself "at home" in the sign of Jupiter if it finds a way to do its duty and Dharma. And to do such a duty the whole environment of the forest or ocean would support as well. Any time Kuja person decides to take up the agenda of the twelfth house Jupiter, they would find the whole Universal energy supporting and aligning behind them.
Most probably their spiritual guides or ancestral family- signification of the 12th house, wants them to take up actions towards spirituality and do something for it. As Kuja as a planet is very small compared to Jupiter, Kuja cannot win a war against Jupiter in energy coins. But Kuja may be able to take the Jupiterian concepts, mold it, change it to fit an active form and use it towards a higher purpose of Dharma. Until then, the surrounding environment would not support the person to take actions. They may feel blocked, obstructed, not having the energy to overcome the Jupiter sized hassles.
Any day they decide to take up the agenda of the 12th house of spirituality, they find they are blessed with the expansive energy of Jupiter that brings the blessings of Sagittarius, the Dharma/duty as well as the Piscean energy of spirituality, higher wisdom and metaphysical knowledge. Now whether to take up the Jupiter agenda or not by the Kuja person? That is always a personal free will and choice!