Truth! The Whole Truth!

We as humanity are finding again at yet another year end, a time to think on all that we set forth or achieved in the last twelve months. A time of self-reflection and contemplation. As a group we are at the end of two years of very tough days of a pandemic. In truth, hasn't the pandemic forced us to concentrate on what is truly important in and for our life? I can see family and friends who are looking at their own life and dropping all the extraneous frills and tassels they have been carrying. Before proceeding any further, I want to wish all Happy holidays and a Merry Christmas! ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ„ Most probably I won't be able to put another post this year. So, wishing every one a very happy and fantastic New year! Happy 2022! ๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽŠ

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter
Wishing all holidays of joy, health and abundance!Image credits -

For myself, I got introduced to this concept or thought of what is truly important in my own life in the early winter days of 2017. Until then, I was chasing a mirage of a fantastic job and a career. I only knew I wanted a good career in the science field. I had no clue which particular field, area of subject matter would work. 

I even have the experience of choosing an area called bio-process, in which I had minimal knowledge dropping the subject I deeply loved, molecular Biology. This was during my MTech days. I used to get great marks in Molecular Biology. But my thought was I already get good marks in molecular Biology. Instead, why don't I choose an area I don't have much knowledge about, bio-process for my six months of project work. That was a huge mistake and the next six months I struggled to my very limit. The result of a deep non-awareness of oneself and what one truly wants.

This was mid-1995. Those days I was operating from a very logical point of view. I had zero idea about the spiritual gifts or insights, I had. It took another twenty more years even to realize that there is a whole another layer that was sitting deep within my heart until then never opened or realized. The deep non-awareness of a human being about themselves.

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter
Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
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Self-awareness: What is the one thing that differentiates top leaders from others. I am not talking about the leaders who are full of themselves, arrogant and egoistic. But those leaders who are ready to listen, guide or lead others to a better position in their lives. What sets them apart from other ordinary beings? It is the truth or fact that they deeply know themselves. Someone else doesn't have to tell them who they are or what their interests are.

Self-awareness to know the talents or skills they bring and above that the weaknesses or flaws they have. If we realize, to know deeply ourselves first we have to work with our weaknesses, and rectify them, so that later the same weaknesses develop as our strength. For example, for a pretty long time in my life, I was a people-pleaser. In my younger days or thirties, even if I didn't agree with a concept or perspective, not to make a conflict, I used to align my viewpoints according to others. Soon enough in this aligning, I slowly started to lose bits and pieces of myself. This is because as we are not giving value for ourselves and our perspectives, energetically we start to lose ourselves.

By early 2010s, I had moved so far away from my own core, I lost myself in aligning to anyone or everyone who came into my life. It became a literal dance to please and get approval of everybody. I was twisting myself into a pretzel and even then, people used to find fault with me. My question then became- What even am I doing wrong? To make matters worse, my previous career of biotechnology stopped working and people at my work place was finding faults with me for pretty much everything.

Now, when I look back, I realize, I was deeply non-aware of myself or my deeper heart. My logical mind was all about biology and science. But my heart was craving for the younger girl days of me who used to read about moral stories, Hindu mythological stories or the fantasies of an Arabian story happening in Baghdad or Basra. I was known as a Pusthakapuzhu or book-worm within my family (๐Ÿ˜…). Many even used to think I was wasting my time immersing my head into books.

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter
The awareness of our inner truth!
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What happened to that girl who used to love books, concepts and perspectives? In my chase to make a career and have a great job, I had left everything the heart wanted and who I was at my core. People pleasing and total pursuit of rational mind finally brought me to a place where my career was not working anymore. I had to place myself at square one and start my career and life truths from scratch. Deep non-awareness of oneself and what they desire.

Inner truth: As humans, we come into this Earth with an innate nature- a base personality- who truly we are. This is the foundational space of the heart on which we have to build everything whether our values, education, career or life. This foundation has to be taken into account for everything. If this is not taken into account, eventually somewhere the faulty foundation would give away and whatever we have built on top of that comes crumbling down.

For example, think of someone who basically is an introvert or likes to have a quiet space always. This person if due to their rational thoughts pursue a career of stage and acting, they may have to put on a mask to maintain the persona of a star. Here the person starts to live two realities. One a personal quieter nature and the other a glitzy starry form. Remember, the basal personality is of a quieter nature. Such a person most probably would have a nervous system that does fantastic job at a life of calmness and peace.

Now, put this person in the middle of Hollywood, in the city of Los-Angeles. A very vibrant but a movie town. It is going to be personal or film galas, production sites and celebrity space. A lot of color, noise and chaos. Think about the nervous system this person has that is top class for a fine, elegant, but quiet nature. The nervous system is going to be so much stimulated and fired, the person would feel constant energy loss or lethargy. To fix this deep tiredness, they would start to roam around the neighborhood doctors and psychologists. 

The problem here is not the person, but the space they have placed themselves in. This is the struggle many empaths find themselves in. Their nervous system or nature is wired for quiet, contemplative nature and the constant barrage of noise and chaos takes a toll on their body, mind and the nervous system. We as humans know a lot about the physical world, mental world and even the emotional world. What about the spiritual and the energetic world?

The deepest of our inner dynamics. As we all know, human body is made of atoms and ions. Pure energy and the flow of it. As per our constitution, each of us enfold a particular level of energy, some with very high energy and some low. For instance, a sports personality especially Sagittarius or Aries or Leo ascendant would have a body that has a lot of fire or energy. Such a person would be fantastic for sports- as the fire of the body can be transformed into physical activity of the sports. But according to the sign, the sports would differ. An Aries thrives in spurts of energy, which would be terrific for a sprint or short-term sports like swimming. But a Leo is a fixed energy and can be used by a test cricketer or a marathon runner.

Now, think this Leo/ Aries person lives near a lake where book writing is the name of the game. They are going to become upset and angry as the enormous amount of energy is pushing them to do something more. Instead of looking at the lake, they should do scuba diving or boat steering. Because the energy constitution is asking to do more physical work. Like this the energy as well as the spiritual world has a big say on who we are and what we are meant to become. But without a clue of this aspect, we go and take the career or life our logical mind perceives to be the best.

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter
The boldness of inner total truth!
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Who are you? So, to understand this deepest essence we need to know who we are. From my own life, I can give example. Until forty seventh year, I had only awareness about my mental, logical as well as physical reality. Even though I used to pray, loved to go to temples or other worship centers and read upon mythological stories, I had no clue about my own energy or spiritual dynamics. In temples or while chanting mantras, I used to feel deep peace and joyfulness. But that is how you usually feel during praying, right?

But what if, in reality during the prayers I was very aligned with my inner nature and found the deepest inner joy. In such a case, instead of going back and forth between logical and spiritual mind, shouldn't I try to make my whole life peaceful and joyful by embracing the deepest truest nature of myself? If I can have peace and joy always, why should I go for chaos and confusion within my logical mind? The concept is extremely logical, right?

Again, back to the question of self-awareness. The question of Who am I? Only after knowing the answer to this question from a very deep sense of Self, we can stand confidently in our true nature and embrace our whole potential. I have written many times, as per my perception nowadays the logical mind is just twenty percent of the whole. Without knowing deeply, the other eighty percent how are we going to capture our total potential. For example, consider this. We know which University to go to. But we have zero clue what course we are going to take. In such a case, how are we ever going to finish our degree, right?

This is how it would be if we deeply know our logical mind and are totally clueless of our emotions and heart. The carburetor of the engine is damaged. But the body of the car is perfect and gleaming. Would we be able to take a spin of the car? Most probably no. Even if we did, the ride is going to be bumpy with every now and then, damage control. Now, extrapolate it to our life. Aren't many of us always having a bumpy ride with constant damage control? Why?

Because we are driving our car in the dark forest of life called Maya-illusion without headlights. The headlights or the torch is the knowledge of self-illumination to the question of "Who am I"? Without that knowledge of who we are, we would always be living a life lesser than what we were meant to be. Because as we don't fully know ourselves, we would always be choosing options that are lesser in value for ourselves. We don't know what our heart's desire is, so we will choose with the twenty percent knowledge of the logical mind. With such choices, the heart may be taken into account or not. If the heart is taken into account, the decision would go well. If the choice is against the heart, eventually the foundation would start to crack.

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter
Who am I?
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Our truth-our reality!
I am writing this, after living both ways. Until late forties, I was just listening to my logical mind. From the last five years I first take my heart into account for the why and then take the mind into account for the how. Both are extremely important. But the truth of our heart is the torch for our life. This is the truth that the heart or the inner Soul desires.

As the Soul is going to vibrate at a particular energy, it is going to attract experiences that many times obstruct the reality of the logical mind. That is what happened in my life. My logical mind was saying science and biotech. But after my education life placed me in a position of no work visa to work or study, but a beautiful and elegant home where I had computer and more than ample time to pursue my hobby- spirituality, philosophy and Vedic astrology. The truth about science and biotech was my half-truth. My full truth was I was a deeply spiritual person who had accumulated most probably truckloads of spiritual gifts and insights through my previous lifetimes.

The Soul made sure the person is not wasting this lifetime just pursuing science and biotech alone, instead turn towards the true purpose or Dharma, I came into this life for. Mentoring, guiding and helping people using my spiritual gifts and insights. In between I, the person also has the freedom to write about a science or biotech post or blog. Not the twenty percent potential of a human, but the whole hundred percent. 

The Soul guidance would be, stand in this whole hundred percent of truth and now expand our life in every direction- the whole 360 degrees of expansion. My thought, if I was guided to do this, so can you or another person. The choice every single human has to make. To live our half-truths from our twenty percent of a logical mind or live the whole truth of the heart. The whole hundred percent of our inner truth. The truth, nothing, but the whole truth!

The Soul or heart always prods us through intuition or a gnawing undercurrent of a deep feeling. The person who is aware of their emotions notice that, become aware and takes step towards that. Others just discard it as a random feeling and go about their logical life, of course truth, but partial. The Soul sits within patiently waiting for the day the person takes notice. Until then, living the partial truths, we can agree, ignorance is indeed a bliss. Whether to be lightened of our truth or not- always a free will and personal choice, right?

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter
The current global reality of Christmas and holidays!
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Thank you for reading! Hope all of you are keeping yourself hale and healthy. The appearance of yet another variant of the virus called O-Micron doesn't help a bit this scenario though. But when the Universe gives us surf waves of life, it is better to keep a surf board handy and surf through the waves of life, rather than getting bogged down by the small details of life. Any way all of us have to live. So, why not live joyfully surfing with a tune on our lips rather than carrying life as a heavy burden on our backs. Humming a tune is better than a load too heavy to carry, right?

I have another announcement to make. From 2022 onwards, I am planning to write the blog once every two weeks. My intuition and spiritual guides are insisting it is high time I put more attention to my business and store. I am not stopping the blog, but instead of every week, I will be publishing a blog every other week. That way, I get ample time to concentrate on my business as well as the blog. Of course, life as Self, kids, parents, spouse, siblings, family, home, pets, friends, acquaintances and all the other aspects of living are always there. Just slightly shifting my focus to bring a newer aspect to the front and center. Definitely, I am continuing the blog and would write more concepts. For sure!

I am taking two weeks off for the year end. Wishing all a very Merry Christmas, a very Happy New Year of 2022 and Happy holidays! Stay safe and well, while enjoying the holidays and celebrations!

I wish you good and safe holidays, and I'll see you in the New Year 2022! ๐Ÿ˜‰ 

Next week: The masks we wear!
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  1. Hi Commenters, I love to read your comments and give my two cents. I read all the comments. But if the comments are tagged with other links, websites or unwanted promotions, I will delete it and the comment won't find the light of my blog. I don't put advertisements on my blog, so that the blog readers are not inundated with ads or flashing links. ;-)))). So, you want your comment to appear on my blog, just comment with no flashy links or blinking signs. A nod to some commenters who asked me to "keep up the good work" along with their links. Thank you and I will. That is indeed the idea. Btw, have a great day, all! Everyone of us needs it! Best, Swaroopa๐ŸŒบ


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