The masks we wear!

In this New Year of 2022, I want to wish all my blog readers a fantastic and wonderful 2022. May our every wish, desire, aspirations and intentions take root, grow to a massive Oak or Banyan tree, bloom and produce every kind of fruit to its fullest potential. Tadasthu! So, it is!🌹

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter
Happy New Year, all!
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As I had mentioned in my previous post, from this year onwards, I would be publishing once every two weeks, so that I give ample time for my online enterprise and business. That way along with the gift of the word through my blog, I can also help people with my spiritual guidance and mentor-ship. In my personal life, I have guided and helped people for the last fifteen to twenty years. Now, my spiritual team is guiding me to open up my gifts to the public. My shop -Swaroopa is online and running.

Newer doors and newer aspirations: We as humanity are in the middle of a pandemic with newer variants, vaccines, regulations, dynamics and newer status quo every day. Every new year is a burst of fresh energy that we can use towards our advantage. We can ask that the humans have set the calendar and a new year is going to come around every January. True. The calendar was set by the humans. But thousands or millions of minds at the same time are thinking about a new year. That is a huge ball of energy.

Every mind when it thinks is bringing in a thought form into the Universe. This remains as a thought or mental form until the person intends, plans and takes actions on that particular thought or idea. That is the difference between a mental thought and a physical action. As long as the person doesn't intend and act, it stays as a mental form. For example, it was in early 2017, an idea for a blog or writing struck my mind. I had to think, intend, chart out the steps and take up the pen. Otherwise, it would have just gone back into the ether as yet another random idea.

Today when I stand at the point of four years and 230+ posts, I realize every step was a challenge to fight against my inner demons of self-doubts, fear, worry and low self-confidence. Every new step is indeed a tussle to find our footing in a brand-new area outside our comfort zone. But as humans we have a choice, either to stay stuck in some old energy dynamics or move our life towards newer vistas. Life is always presenting us with opportunities. But when we are deeply bogged down by everyday life of worry, struggles or rat race, many times opportunities get missed that life presents to us.

What makes a human different from a cat or a bird or a squirrel? They are living in the moment just trying to live that very second. Their brain is equipped for that. But a human has a well-developed mind and brain. That points towards the truth that more is expected from the humans. We also come equipped with many different talents and interests. If we are not meant to use them to our advantage, why are we provided with those gifts, talents or interests in the first place? Logical question, right?

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter
New doors to fresh ideas, perspectives and aspirations!
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For example, Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein were provided with brilliant, logical minds. If they were not using it towards science or some other logical fields, why were they given such minds, correct? Same way, Abraham Lincoln and Nelson Mandela were equipped with deep compassion and humanitarian tendencies. If they were not meant to use it towards people and their upliftment, why those talents were provided in the first place? This modern 2000s run on logic and rationality. But doesn't this feel deeply logical and rational? In such a case, why are humans with musical talents going for computer programming? Innate computer programmers doing medicine or a person who is cut out to be a surgeon ending up being a graphics designer?

Authenticity and deep awareness: This lead to the concept of deeply knowing and being aware of oneself and one's talents. This knowledge is stored in the inner sanctums of our heart. To access this, we need deep quietude or calmness of our mind, as the metaphorical heart lies behind the mind. But humans have always looked outside for guidance as that is how we have lived for the last 10,000 years. Guidance always came from outside through parents, teachers, guides and leaders. For a young child, this is a must. 

But in-between we also need to make effort to know who we are for ourselves. Otherwise, there comes a point where we would be actually living two realities. An outer reality from the logical mind and an inner reality from the heart. Many times, the person themselves have no clue about this deep inner reality because this knowledge is stored deep within, normal thought process may not unlock this door. For example, I was a research scientist for around forty-seven years of my life. The reality from my mind, as I had spent around twenty-five to twenty-seven years getting an education in science and biotechnology.

My parents are always very supportive of my aspirations. My mind was deeply interested in science and logic. Considering that as my truth, I went for science and biotechnology, never realizing there was a deeper inner truth locked within my heart. All through my young age my head was immersed in Hindu mythological stories, temple history and fantastical concepts. The clue that there was a deeper reality existent within me. It took almost four decades for it to come out.

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter
Awareness about our Self, truth
and innate reality!
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Only deep self-awareness can take the two inner realities, one from the mind and the other from the heart, meld it together and live an authentic and innate, true reality. Unfortunately, as the modern human is very outside focused, this deep self-contemplation and inner reflection is never pursued. This leads to the person living two different realities, many times. One, the mental reality that leads to actions and the physical life. The second, a deeper reality about which the person has regrets, disappointments or a could-have, would-have nostalgia. This is the inner reality of the heart and the real truth of the person.

What happens, when a person is living from the mind and not the heart? The outer world has seen the person through their mind. This is the identity the person has developed and shown to the world. Many times, they may be afraid or even ashamed to show the truth or the reality of their heart. This was I in the early 2000s. I was terrified even ashamed to speak about my interest in mythology, abstract philosophy, Vedic astrology or spirituality. Remember, I was the proverbial scientist with my logic, laboratory data and experimental analysis. How can a very logical person that too a scientist talks about God/Goddess energy, Soul, energy dynamics or abstract concepts that cannot be experimentally proven, but only be experientially felt?

The masks, we wear: This is what leads us to hide our true reality with a shallower mental reality of a mask. Unfortunately, in the modern world, many humans are forced to live such two realities- one of a mental or more outer reality and another of a deeper, truer reality. I have lived such a life for about forty-five years and I deeply understand the feeling of something is not completely real. Because the true reality is vying to come outside and show its face. No, it is not easy. In my case, I struggled with the decision to leave my twenty-five years of biotechnology education behind. It actually led to an almost identity-less state for me for around four to five years. A deeply painful state of not knowing who you are. Many times, the outside world and even close loved ones would have no idea, as all the work is within. In such cases, many instead of doing inner work take the help of pills, medicines or other avenues.

All through those years every other movie or serial or an advertisement would have a part where someone is removing their mask. It took me around six months to contemplate on this mask business to understand, my own higher Self was asking me to remove my mask of a scientist/logical person and start to live as myself- the truest person who has grown up with a deeply spiritual heart, but a very logical mind. To live our life as a very true and authentic being! Is it easy? No, not at all. Because until then, people have seen the masked version. A new identity wants to emanate. Not at all an easy task.

Many times, we have lived a life that has upheld very different perspectives, values and opinions. An overnight 180-degree transformation is practically impossible. This is because our behaviors, attitudes and habits are deeply wired within our subconscious through rote, everyday repetitions. Also, change especially of habits and behaviors are innately difficult. Above this, people around us may feel deeply irritated and uncomfortable to interact with this new person. They will feel like, who is this stranger within a very familiar physical body. This also lead people not to speak up and embrace this true authentic reality. Trust me, I have had my battles. 😅

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter
The masks or personas, we wear! (Note, the color of the mask -maroon, here! 😊)
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Change any day is tough. That too when it pushes us to step out of our comfort zone. Many times, people even if their intuition pushes them to embrace their deep reality, due to this innate difficulty end up not taking that challenge. But then we need to ask ourselves, do we want to live a joyful and authentic life? Shouldn't our own life fully work for us? If we don't do this for ourselves, in this life time, when would we? Do we truly know whether we have another chance at a lifetime? No. So, if we don't deeply embrace who we truly are, we may not find another chance maybe ever again. It was these questions and thoughts that finally made me to have that leap of faith and take up my pen.

Another year of newer vistas: Therefore, every year is yet another chance to move more towards our own authenticity. What is authentic Self or Swaroopa? Each of us is born with an innate underlying nature. Living in a society or community, we start to wear a persona that is agreeable to all around us. When we start to operate always according to what others desire, we start to slowly lose our own innate desires, aspirations and ideas. Finally, we end up living a life others want.

But whenever we start to live truly as who we are, those who deeply love and care about us would respect our decision, support our newer perspectives and paths. Because they are loving the human we are, not the persona or the support/ help we provide. Being authentic we are also extending our innate true nature to others. We are not masking our true intentions or aspirations. For example, anywhere in this world or to any person I can say, yes my intentions are to write a blog, share my perspectives/ ideas and then develop a business where I can share my spiritual gifts for a fee. No masks, no hidden agenda or hidden costs. Just plain, pure, simple and true.

This is the energy of true spirituality. Spirituality, if practiced properly is very simple and elegant. There is no need for tassels, masks, decorations, toppings or agendas. The truth comes out as plain and simple. There is also a deep freedom in being true. The person starts to feel a lightness of being. If we realize, maintaining a mask or persona is hard work. Above maintaining the mask, we also have to suppress our true, authentic Self to the deepest layers of our being, lest it jumps out at very inappropriate places or moments. This brings in heavy lower energies that keeps a person tied to their persona or mask. Inner bondage from the heart and Soul.

Remember, being authentic, doesn't mean arrogant and egotistic. It also means while we respect our inner truth, we also respect the inner truth another person brings along. As our inner truth has a right to exist in this world, so does the inner truth of another. When we extend this respect to another's inner truth, we start to accept the person exactly as they are - religion, political party, perspectives and concepts included. Isn't it high time to get to that perspective in this chaotic, warring and highly divisive current world?

Wisdom, bubbles, water, Soul, mind, conscious, subconscious, intellect, Sun, light, knowledge, attitude, effort, analysis, deep, recess, Moon, ideas, thoughts, creativity, creation, Brahman, Universe, purpose, words, power, desires, intentions, resolutions, butterfly, stars,way, heart, follow, brilliance,boat, ocean, life, direction, map, radar, Survivin, cancer, protein, stress, chaos, peace,oak, acorn, wisdom, Anahata, heart, space, mind, clutter
Lightness of being (actually a soap bubble)!
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Open the newspaper, switch on the TV or browse the internet. What do we see? Humans who cannot tolerate or exist with another humans. But the laughing matter is, everyone is living within a human body that needs air, water and food as the basic necessities. Take away even one of them, we are dead. Last two years showed us the importance of our simple breath and air. Many humans had to go to the ICU and get connected to the ventilator to have a breath of fresh air. Only today heard on the news, the three other suspects in the George Floyd case were going to be tried in the court of law soon. 

The beautiful and very simple concept of Live and let live - where we give respect and value to another's life, voice, perspectives, religion, party, and concepts as long as they are ready to respect and give value to ours. Reciprocity of give and take. If a human as a police officer had realized this concept and deeply understood that it is their duty and responsibility to protect another human. A human being a vulnerable individual who deserves to be protected, even today George Floyd would have lived. So, let us all strive to be authentic and true, while respecting and valuing the authenticity and truth of another. Rest in Peace, George Floyd! 🙏🌷

Thank you for reading! Hope all of you are keeping yourself hale and healthy. The appearance of yet another variant of the virus called O-Micron doesn't help a bit this scenario though. But when the Universe gives us surf waves of life, it is better to keep a surf board handy and surf through the waves of life, rather than getting bogged down by the small details of life. Any way all of us have to live. So, why not live joyfully surfing with a tune on our lips rather than carrying life as a heavy burden on our backs. Humming a tune is better than a load too heavy to carry, right?

I have another announcement to make. From 2022 onwards, I am planning to write the blog once every two weeks. My intuition and spiritual guides are insisting it is high time I put more attention to my business and store. I am not stopping the blog, but instead of every week, I will be publishing a blog every other week. That way, I get ample time to concentrate on my business as well as the blog. Of course, life as Self, kids, parents, spouse, siblings, family, home, pets, friends, acquaintances and all the other aspects of living are always there. Just slightly shifting my focus to bring a newer aspect to the front and center. Definitely, I am continuing the blog and would write more concepts. For sure!

Now, the next post will be on February 4th, 2022 after two weeks. That way I am able to focus on my store and business as well. The idea of moving ahead with the store, business as well as the blog. All avenues covered. Thank you for being a regular reader of my blog. I write for you, that reader who wants to improve, find motivation and become the most authentic version of yourself. Highly motivated and taking responsibility for your own awesome life. Best!🌺

I wish you good and safe holidays, and I'll see you in two weeks! 😉 

Next post: The Swaroopa Store!
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