How should Radha be?
Hello all, Namaste! Hope all of you had a great week where you were able to bring together your mind and Soul as Radha and Krishna, truly united to become one energy. Last week we discussed Radha, the mind that is truly in tandem with the Soul aligned to do the Dharma. Many times in our harried every day living we never reach this alignment. Our Soul remains a silent observer as our mind is bogged down with million activities that pull our focus to thousand different directions. In a previous post we had discussed a concept. In that we discussed that when we are born the mind has no connection with the Soul. Many times mind interferes on its own activities. Let us take an example. Think of a feedback loop. The energy of the mind acts on itself to make it more aggressive to do more of the mental activities. A loop where thoughts of the mind feeds more thoughts of the mind. This loop never stops. The only time such a mind takes a break is during the sleep. Above this factor, the mi...