Break the box-Part 1!

Hello all, Namaste! I want to let my blog readers know about my new website- Very simple id, not the complicated blog id address. Wishing all my blog readers a very Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you for reading my blogs. Thank you for analyzing the concepts with your own mind. Only if there is someone to read or analyze or listen, words have power. Otherwise words are just words, a jumbled lot that makes no sense. So, finally Thank you for sharing your mind for the time you read my blog. That is a precious gift of sharing you are giving to me. Thank you. May you have a lovely holiday! Now to the post. Last week we discussed how we have to become an Eagle and look at our own life from a very high perspective. Before that we discussed the importance of the present moment of 'Now' where the highest potential for any action lies. Even though, humans never realize, each of our life is a garland of lot of present moments. Our life turns out according to how we use...