
Showing posts from February, 2020

Kethu - The ancient wisdom!

Hello all, Namaste! I want to let my blog readers know about my new website- Very simple id, not the complicated blog id address. Now to the post. Last week, we discussed how Rāhu and Kethu are the shadow planets and can affect our mind. The energies of these grahas are very subtle and hence these planets don't have a house in the Vedic astrology chart. Even though Rāhu and Kethu don't have a specific place, they are considered the co-lords of two houses. Rāhu is thought to rule Aquarius along with Saturn and Kethu is thought to co-lord Scorpio along with Mars. Today, we are going to discuss Kethu at more length. As all of you know, Vedic astrology has nine Grahas (planets in loose terms), called Nava (nine) Grahas (planets). While all other seven grahas have specific significant energies, Rāhu and Kethu are considered the head and snake body of a demon called Swayambharu. He was so shrewd, during the time of the Samudra Mathana (Churning of the milky oc...

Why are Rahu and Kethu, shadow planets?

Hello all, Namaste! I want to let my blog readers know about my new website- Very simple id, not the complicated blog id address. Now to the post. Last week we discussed how to understand Rāhu and Kethu we need to use our mind. Without the help of the mind, we can't understand the energy of Rāhu or Kethu- the shadow planets. Let us elaborate more on this concept with Vedic astrology (everything discussed here is Vedic/Indian). As all of you know, the south Indian Vedic astrology chart is divided into twelve different houses. Each house is lorded by a graha (planet in loose terms).  Astrological houses: According to this concept, the Sun is considered the king of the chart. In the physical world, the Sun in the physical manifestation is our personality. In the metaphysical sense it is the Soul, or the true divine essence of our being. Sun (Surya) as per the duty the mythical Gods gave took the house of Leo. It is the natural fifth house- house of children, c...

The jump from Kethu to Rahu!

Hello all, Namaste! I want to let my blog readers know about my new website- Very simple id, not the complicated blog id address. Now to the post.   Hope all of you are doing well. For the past few months we have been discussing a lot of Philosophy about the mind and the Soul. How about this week we discuss some astrology, of course Vedic astrology. We have discussed a lot about the mind and how a mind can really help a person, if they are aware about the nature of it. Most problems of the world are caused by the unruly and unrestrained mind of a person, whether it was Hitler or Mussolini or someone else. Mind: An unaware person and an associated mind can create havoc if their tendencies are towards the darker side. And if that mind gets associated with Rahu or Kethu, then that mind can take on different energies and that can manifest as very different outcomes. The mind is represented by the Moon in Vedic astrology. It is feminine, intuitive and emotional ...

Excellence be thy name!

Hello all, Namaste! I want to let my blog readers know about my new website- Very simple id, not the complicated blog id address. Now to the post.   Hope all of you had a great week, where you took another step towards your Dharma, true purpose in life. Last week we discussed SatChitAnanda , the bliss of the true heart. It is only when we live truly, authentically from our heart, the joy and peace follow. We can live as we want, putting personas and masks all through our day life. But when we hit the bed at night, the first and foremost companion who goes to bed with us is our mind, the conscience of our mind.  We can escape from any situation or circumstance, any which way we want. But how can we escape from ourselves, our mind? Not possible. So, that is why it becomes utmost important to be truthful with ourselves, to do our Dharma, the true purpose we came to this Earth to do. But mind you, our true Dharma, the purpose from our heart never puts anyone...

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Satyam Vada! Dharmam Chara! (Speak your truth! Walk your purpose!)

Ashwathama - A lesson to be learned!

Kannagi - The incensed lady!

Ganda Moola Nakshatra -The transformation!

Draupadi -The bold Queen!